
SNEAK's Peeks #3: Using DrawCast to Create High Contrast Picture Symbols

Here is a quick demo of how to use a free App, DrawCast, to create easy, high-contrast picture symbols that you can load into other apps (e.g., AAC Apps, flashcard Apps), or use in print materials for children with visual impairment.  The use of high contrast when creating visual materials for children with visual impairments is an adaptation that helps make pictures and text more accessible to children with special visual needs.  There are a few Apps on the market that sell you high contrast picture sets as flashcards (e.g., Baby Symboizer, iLook) but I find these somewhat limited for the cost, at least when it comes to working with kids with visual impairment and CVI to build attention, vocabulary, and a picture communication system.  Consult with your child's vision therapist or other vision specialist about which vision adaptations (e.g., color combinations, size of pictures, line thickness, etc...) would be best for his needs.  With some guidance and a little creativity, you can use this simple App to create a library of accessible picture symbols for your child that helps build vocabulary and communication skills!

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